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Hello! Anybody there? Sorry I’ve been shite on this. I am A. Lazy and B. forgetful.
So now I have rememberd I will try to post more again if anyone gives a foot.
First up is the new effort from my comedy pals Seldom Differ. This is DON’T TAPE OVER.
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We have just got back from our 3 week UK tour to promote our new album Paradise!
I am reeling since we all parted and cannot wait to go again! To any body that came down to any of the shows we want to say a HUGE thank you for being so good and letting us do what we wanted to! YOU WERE SO FUN AND WILD BUT RESPECTFUL AND I BLOODY LOVED IT!
Here are a few of my favourite shots from my camera that I think sum up one of the best tours we have ever done!
Filed under: Rebecca's Blog
I don’t know if you know this about me, but i bloody LOVE cricket. Spin bowling is in my top 5 skills. A cricketing husband would be ideal, and this blonde babe would do just fine. Stuart Broad is not only adorabonk but he is an amazing player, and boy do i miss the smell of a good grass stain on whites… My Dad often tells me that I “have no chance, he dates models” but can these models give him a run for his money down the nets I ASK YOU?
Psychologist is the best thing i’ve heard for a lonnggg time, here’s one of my favourites but you should get the EP’s from ASAP!
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Okay, so it’s been a few weeks since I posted a woof, but i’ve been busy finishing things up for the album, keeping away from the computer and oh, falling in love with THIS CHICK. She is everything I would ever want to be and seen as my blonde barmaid-ness isn’t going to become a lithe brunette sex bomb anytime soon, I just want to kiss her face instead. WHAT A FOX.
Filed under: Rebecca's Blog
I’m going to keep this simple, he’s a serious woof. He spends a lot of his time wearing masks and dressed like a lunatic…(i am obviously drawn to this) and he does a really gorgeous Sheffield accent in new ‘Sirens’ that aired this week on channel 4. A topical Woof then, you might say.
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AMAZING video by Blair Young of this years Homegame festival aka the highlight of my year, every year.
Filed under: Rebecca's Blog
Another classic for WOTW02, this man is my ultimate, ULTIMATE woof.
Everything about him, the lips, the eyes, the shitty tattoos, I’d even have a go on that Bronson tash…
I know you’re married T, but i have the biggest boner for you. If you ever fancy a chubby northern girlfriend i’m your gal!
Filed under: Rebecca's Blog
Incase you missed this, here is me and my comedy ‘group’ spoofing Come Dine With Me!